Up coming basketball season predictions

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Post by BDFRDS#1BiggestFAN »

Why is everyone ragging on Turk who cares if he coach yelled at him if the coach didn't yell at him then he wouldn't think turk has potential! I dont see you guys playin ball fro waltman! I would like to see you play ball for him to see if you dont get yelled at
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Post by Sto »

Getting yelled at is a good thing. If every player on any team never got a good screamin then they would never know when they were doing someting wrong and never improve.
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Post by Tussey Mt. fan »

TheOneAndOnlyDerabasse wrote:Tmfan Bailey is a great coach, but you can't say he has control over all of his players. I remember a couple years back Marcus Stephenson was a hot head who would flip out often.
Derabasse, Do you also remember how many games Marcus didn't play because of his attitude? It was more than one.
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Post by vbllLmdtrck5 »

The Bedford boys bball team doesn't look like they are going to have a good season. Hutch is gone and there is no one to post up, so all the pressure is on Troy. Last year they had two ppl guarding hutch, and now that he isn't here, they have two ppl on Troy, so Troy isn't making nearly as many shots as he should be. The post need to step it up and do some rebounding. The team needs to work together or they aren't going to accomplish anything this season.
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Post by ham55 »

Who cares if turk is gone, the real man they are missing is the senior from last year chad shoemaker. He almost scored as much or more than troy during every game this last season. Troy didnt have all the attention, and im pretty sure it wasnt because of Turkovich. The seniors that left the team last year were the things that hurt, definately not losing hutch.
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Post by Derabasse »

Tm fan, I am just going by the games I saw him in, in both of them he lost his head and did alot of stupid things. But that is just the two games I have seen him in, plus another one that we went and scouted them.
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Post by IEATHAM0555 »

vbllLmdtrck5 you cant argue with bdftbllham55 he is a basketball expert...cant you tell
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Post by BDFRDS#1BiggestFAN »

First off THEONEANDONLY....you have no room to freaking talk! BDFDSFBLLHAM well you have no room to talk either i dont see you out there playin basketball maybe its bc your a SLACKER! By the way TROY is a great basketball player if it wasn't for him BEDFORD would suck as usual!

*OneandOnly i think you need to learn how to freakin shoot the ball or dont even shoot at all*
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Post by foghorn »

It's no great revelation, but I'm reminded again how sensitive most little boys and their parents are nowadays and how easy it is for everyone to blame the coaches for almost everything. Hey, coaches should take most of the heat -- for being stupid or playing favorites or showing cowardice -- but not for DEMANDING top effort from players and not for refusing to be warm and fuzzy. Jeez! What constant griping!! I'm glad I don't coach anymore.
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Post by ham55 »

First off BDFRDS#1BiggestFAN, i have to say wow, your right, i dont play basketball, dang YOUR SMART. No im not a slacker, i just dont have the size or the ability to play the game, ill be the first to admit it. And i would also like to thank you on behalf of theoneandonlyderabasse, im sure it warms his heart to have shooting instructions given to him by the shot Dr. herself. Keep up the good work. Maybe one day you will be just as great as turk thinks he is, or maybe even as black as he thinks he is.

And no im not a basketball expert, i just hate you. Thank you for your time.
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