Toughest place to play?

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Post by ihateu »

In an earlier post, someone said that hardly anyone wins in the terror dome, which is true, but just recently on 12/19/03, Forbes Road went into the Terror Dome and won in OT 58-56 even after gettin homered big time! I do agree that if bailey leaves, the basketball program will take a nose dive, especially if he takes the refs with him! And I am going to have to agree with The Truth when he said that the Forbes Road courts may not be that big, but you cant get much of a nicer environment...The lighting is great, and the floor is very nice.
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Post by Gunner18 » forbes road won ONE game in the terror dome...and it was in OT....therefore still proving that hardly anyone wins there...also i believe bedford won there (in regulation time) this season as well but they havent made a post like u
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Post by ihateu »

If you look closely I did mention that it is hard to win there...I was just informing peeps of the game, b/c it was a very good game, and I am proud of Meck and his boys! They played hard to get there! Isnt being proud about your team and representing your team part of HS sports? I think it is!
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Post by Gunner18 »

i know u said that hardly anyone wins there, but the way u speak, it sounds as if FR is a God because they won at the terror dome
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Post by ihateu »

Like I said bud, I think it is ok to brag up your HS team if they pull out a big win, especially against Tussey @ the terror dome! Like you have never bragged about your old hs team? Or is it a crime to be proud of your team?
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Post by Player24 »

I think you're obsessing too much about the win a lil too someone said before....even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.
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Post by ihateu »

Well see how blinde forbes is when TM comes to the barn
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Post by Tussey Mt. fan »

ihateu says "the lighting is great and the floor is nice" in Forbes barn. What are you comparing it too. Fannett Metal????
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Post by ihateu »

Im compairing it to some of the other schools in the area. All I see on everyones list is that Forbes Court is SOOOO small, and that is why it is terrible! What else makes the court terrible other than the fact that it is smaller than others that you play at?
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Post by Player24 »

There's not even enough room run the court...its not even regulation. I don't know how you can even compare it to any other school...excpet fannett metal....
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