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Post by NbCwReStLeR007 »

haha, that was the coolest thing wrestling at spirit night......the crowd was insane...
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Post by MizRite »

well how great! You know what, Hyndman takes a lotta crap from ppl from being a little school.......Oh yes Northern Bedford is just the grandest right...Dont think so...I tell ya...give a lil credit where credit is deserved
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Post by NbCwReStLeR007 »

I don't remember anyone posting anything about Hydman being crap........might just be me, but most people compliment Hydman and thier success the past few years....
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Post by P_E_P_84 »

yea really, no one was ragging on the hornets, i think they have good quality wrestlers. in fact i know two of them here at AC and i'm good friends with both.
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Post by JDB12 »

Actucally, the Stampede did have a senior night last year; they just got introduced with the boys' basketball team during their senior night. It was pretty cool.

The Bedford/NB match had to be the craziest match I've ever been to. There were so many people making noise and yelling that I remember the refs would have to throw towels in when the clock ran out because we couldn't hear the whistles. Many people got into fights afterwards too.

The Bedford/Ridge match was also really packed and loud last year with Bedford and Ridge fans plus about 50 Stampede memebers there.

I don't really think MizRite knows what she is talking about when it comes to wrestling. It's great you show school spirit, but start talking about wrestling and stop with the "everyone disrespects Hyndman and never gives them credit" comments because it's not true. If it was we wouldn't have forums on here talking about how good the Snyders are and how stacked Hyndman's lower weighs are.
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Post by old school »

A few years ago, not really sure what the year was, the North Star Forest Hill match was deafening. They couldn't put another person in the gym if they wanted to. The school set up a TV in the cafe to accommodate for the over flow crowd. The most memorable moment of the match was watching one of the NS fans go crazy. The lady, I'm not kidding, was about 80 years old and heavy set (250 lbs) she started jumping up and down during her grandson match and didn't stop until it was over. I thought she was going to drop over dead after the match. One of the best matches I have ever been to.
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Post by Smiteye89 »

NB Spirit Night........ enough said.
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Post by NbCwReStLeR007 »

Will all the Original Poacher's be there this year, and will we have any new members?
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Post by Coach »

Bobby "Hollywood" Huxta came flying onto the mat in a rage after the Panthers beat Bedford last year. I also nearly got in a fist fight with one of Bedford's older fans midway through the match.

People were standing at both ends of the gym...the crowd ran out onto the mat and waved goodbye to the Bison faithful....what a GREAT NIGHT...AND THE BEST PART OF IT ALL: The Stampede (the great group that they are or so I hear) WAS NOWHERE....and I mean NOWHERE to be found. Guess they didn't want to join the NB faithful and get to the school early in the cold.

It will always be remembered for NB beating Bedford, but it will also be remembered for the night that the Stampede of Bisons must have been slaughtered before they could get to Loysburg!
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Post by theoneandonly »

ah Coach... you are only partially correct... there was in fact a small, very small gathering of stampede members present that night. large man, billywhiteshoes, and myself were in attendance to see that amazing match. I'm not really sure why no one else wanted to make the trip over the mountain that night. I think some of it had to do with the fact that we knew we wouldn't be able to get all of us in unless we got there at like 1 in the afternoon... that was one of the more dissapointing performances of the Stampede.... only 3 of us
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