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Post by Gunner18 »

sorry chick, got a lil outta hand for a minute, well keep it a family show from now on
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Post by brlnsoccerchick19 »

Nah.....its aight. I was just meaning the whole analogy. It was pretty funny, though. I must just have a severe case of gutter mind. :P
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Post by Dep »

A cheap hooker, what is up with that?
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Post by BillyWhiteShoesJohnson »

I would like 2 see u call jason giambi a cheap hooker 2 his face or gary sheffield. LOL. I understand what ur sayin there, but the Yankees arent cheap about anything they get. Overpay for everyone and everything. They spend so much on their starters that the first bench players are the goon Karim Garcia (one of basse's faves I believe) and Enrique Wilson?? This guy used 2 be a Pirate and I think I field ground balls better than this loser. But he has a few rings on his finger, so u cant argue w/ that.
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Post by Sports999 »

1 ring WhiteShoes. Enrique has only been there for 1 WS championship. Unless you are counting AL Titles.
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Post by deliverance »

They NEED a salary cap. The Yankees are starting to take this too far. Steinbrenner will do anything for a World Championship. He doesn't care whether he loses money or not, as long as his team wins the World Series. Now the Red Sox feel they have to spend all this money to keep up with them. I hope neither team makes the playoffs!
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Post by Sports999 »

The Dodgers have one of the highest payrolls but they spend it all on the wrong people. They definately DO need a cap though. That is why football is the most watched sport these days, because you never know who will win, there is so much parity.
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Post by deliverance »

It's not fair that one team like the Pirates can only afford a payroll of $30 million for the whole team and Alex Rodriguez almost makes that himself. The salary cap would make it so much more competitive. I think Major League Baseball would gain a lot more viewers if they had one. Only problem is the player's association will never agree to it.
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Post by NbCwReStLeR007 »

I don't think they will ever have a salary cap, to many teams are over the Ideal budget now anyway. Players like A-rod and all them wouldn't have as much money to spend on pointless properties and cars, so they won't agree with the salary cap idea. The Red Sox and Yankees rivalry will keep going on and on until someone puts an end to it.....maybe the Dodgers will join in the mix. I think in 2 years there will be only three dominant teams, NYY, Redsoxs and The dodgers.....why wouldn't you want to play on awesome team and get payed as much as you would with a losing team. They need a salary cap really soon!
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Post by Dep »

Yanks are looking at Kevin Brown now.
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