Beasts of Bedford County

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Beasts of Bedford County

Post by studentathlete9 »

I know you cant have a lot of beast from bedford county but i would like to here from everett so i will only be telling ya some everett beasts....first person on my list has to be WADE GRIMES..that kid is pushing like 305lbs on bench and is stacked...Im am telling ya that that boy is top 5 state placer....i mean there is no one at everett that can wrestle the boy...given...the coaches are a bit old and decrepid..but still....Also adrian ritchey...and sophmore that is good enough to make to get a pretty good place at regionals and maybe even state qualifier...along with ANDREW NAVE, JACOB BRAMBLY...and LAMENS--the boy has maybe only wrestled for a short time but he knows what he is doing and what he is talking about..--his brother also..if you would have gave him 1 more yr in high school..state qualifier...well if so please say some more beasts that we should know about
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Post by switch »

Pannebaker, Kilgore, and Mellott for NB there might be more whenever the season hits around middle stage. Oberman is around there too this year. Better watch out for him. He might surprise some people.
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Post by P_E_P_84 »

i think Obie surprised enough people last year, this year he has expectations. he's definately a good quality wrestler and will go far.

as a side note, bench does nothing for wrestling. unless you lie underneath the guy and push him straight up, bench won't help a great deal. i've heard the Cubicle put up 295 or so his senior year, and i've never seen him have to bench someone.
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Post by old school »

Wade grimes benches 305...if you want my opinion that is not very good for someone his size. For example Mike Davis from Ridge puts up 300lbs and only weighs 160.
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Post by ham55 »

Mike Young will be a force to be rekoned with when he gets healthy.(out with muscle contusion) Koleman Dudek will also be a great asset this year. Round Bill Fatabush (aka, Bill Roudabush)is a beast for Bedford. Watch out for him. He is totally dedicated to the wrestling team and his individual goals. I cant wait for him to go out and demolish every opponent this year.
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Post by deliverance »

how long will it be before young is back?
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Post by Roadie »

What year is Young and Roudabush??
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Post by S Cube »

young is a junior and i think roudabush is a senior but im not real sure on that...
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Post by ham55 »

Young is a junior and Bill is a senior

Dunno how long Young will be out but he is on crutches and can barely put any weight on his left leg.

I have heard that Jake Kendall is wrestling 112 for the bisons this year. I didnt even kno that he was wrestling varsity to begin with and for him to wrestle 112 is just stunning.

Roleplayer a responce to the Kendall story would be nice and informative.
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Post by JDB12 »

That is too bad Mike is out before wrestling even begins. At least he didn't break his leg like he thought he did. Hopefully he gets better soon- he has Hershey to look forward to in March.
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