Toughest place to play?

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Toughest place to play?

Post by dld23 »

Which school do you think has the best fans, dumbest fans, and hardest place to win.
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Post by GATOR »

In the county, it would have to be the Terror Dome. Second place goes to Bedford with the stampede. Quite intimidating they are. Next is Everett cause you always get homered there.

Out of the county you have the PC Crazies of Penn Cambria and Windber's Legion of Doom is pretty crazy.
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Post by dld23 »

i was talkin in the LHAC who cares about the fans everywhere in bedford county.
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Post by GATOR »

Oh Right,,, the Gator forgot. You guys are the powerhouse team in the LHAC. Give the Gator a break. Central has beaten Bedford County schools in sooo many sports. Again, give me a break.
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Post by noname »

Dld alot of people in these forums are from BEd Co that is why they ranked the county schools. I bet alot of them have never been to games involving LHAC except for bedford.
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Post by Derabasse »

If you are talking LHAC then I would say that Bedford and Penn Cambria have the best fans. This is just from what I saw the last couple years. I remember a few years back when Bedford played Windber in the playoffs at Winber how huge the Legion of Doom was, they took up more space than any other student section i've seen around the area. Although the last couple years they haven't been nearly as good.
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Post by dld23 »

no one said anything about domination. central and bedford usually each win one game it will be interesting to see if that still happens. or if one team can win on the other teams court. the drum in bedford has to be the most annoying thing ever though.
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Post by hoopsfan »

I agree gator who cares about the toughest place to play in LHAC most people in these forums are from Bed Co TUSSEy is most toughest place to play period!!!! LHAC west pac BED Co dont care it is crazy there
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Post by brlnsoccerchick19 »

I don't play, but I do stats for my boys' team, but I'd have to say one of the worst places in D5 is Turkeyfoot. That gym is tiny and hard to concentrate in because it echoes really bad. It's pretty bad for the players with the weird inbounding, too. That and every time I've been there I've always had the ref with only three fingers who doesn't have a clue what for kids he's calling fouls on. I've been to a couple of gyms in Bedford county due to both stats and the worst choice in my life (cheerleading). Forbes Road is a BARN, Ridge is pretty nice, and Everett's gym itself isn't too bad, but the refs there pretty well shafted us. I know that's not the gym's fault, lol, but it makes me dislike that place just that much.
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Post by GATOR »

The Gator hates going to the Forbes Road Barn. The court is not even regulation. Also same way down at Fannet Metal. The Gator hates Fulton County.
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