Coaching controversy at Bedford

Shoot the half!!!
Quantem Leap
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Coaching controversy at Bedford

Post by Quantem Leap »

Bedford has two groups of coaches. Upstairs and downstairs. What if Bedford got smart and went with Ripple, Deputy, Easter and Topper and got rid of all the dead weight? In my opinion, Ripple, Easter and Deputy are a great core of coaches. Different in styles but collectively are awesome. What do you think?
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Post by ham55 »

Then all the 'dead weight' would just jump down to the jr. high level and it will still be there.
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Post by theunknown »

what u guys are all missing is roadman and helsel also though they are not big names in coaching they both are 2 core compontents of bedfords coaching they both put in alot of info in on everything and all around knows what they are doing

and what about brandon weyandt and ike Chrissey ...need i say more both of these men are brilliant

so i dont know what u guys talk about dead weight as far as i am concerned we have a good mix with alot of different styles that are really helping the kids
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Post by JDB12 »

I heard that Role is coaching Jr. High this year? Is this true??
Quantem Leap
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Post by Quantem Leap »

WOW! Weyant, Crissey and Roadman are all helping! Didn't know that. This may be the best Varisty & Junior High coaching staff ever assembled. Maybe Bedford's going to surprise a lot of people THIS year? :D
Quantem Leap
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yes Role is coaching

Post by Quantem Leap »

Yes, Role is 1/3 of the dynamic coaching staff in the Pit. Ripple and Easter make up the other 2/3 rd's. Talk about a solid coaching staff!
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Post by Dep »

It should be interesting to see how Topper rebounds from his first season. Pretty big footsteps to follow. And lets face it, area teams are coming up, Everett, Hyndman, etc. CR and NBC always tough.

As far as Role, he has what it takes to help a program out and should help the jr. high to be successful. Is he ready to be head coach?
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Post by Quantem Leap »

Coaches Deputy, Easter and Ripple are pulling out all the stops. I heard they have coach Kane helping out also. What a staff! Wow!
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Both Groups

Post by Dep »

Both grgups of coaches have great strengths. As far as a junior high, there is experience and a skill level I would compare to any program.

On the varsity, Topper has 8 coaches there some nights. Roadman brings experience and intensity. Creps brings stability and organization. Roy Gothie has been a welcome addition. But the Bison are still young and the coaches do have their work cut out for them.

Suggestions, work hard but don't run the kids into the group. Make things fun at times, it is a long season. Concentrate on the basics. We fans have faith. Go for it.
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Post by rundown »

I agree with Dep. Practice should be hard work, but it should also involve some fun and team building activities. The sport of wrestling is so physically and mentally demanding with the competition, weight loss and length of the season coaches need to remember these are young kids.
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